Assessment Guidance

For Parents and Families

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For Districts and Schools

Assessment Guidance and Tools

This year, performance on end-of-year state summative assessments helps us understand how well students did against end-of-grade level expectations as we continue to recover from pandemic-related instructional changes and interruptions.  We invite school leaders to use the tools and resources provided here to examine assessment summary reports with a focus on comparing changes to determine whether interventions and initiatives had a meaningful impact.


NEW! Unwrapping Depth of Knowledge one-pager, Workshop Slide Deck

Overview Guide: Using OSTP Data to Monitor COVID Recovery (09/12/2022)

Administrator Toolkit: Key Questions for AdministratorsWebinar Recording, Slide Deck

Educator Toolkit: Key Questions for Educators, Webinar Recording, Slide Deck

Working with Families Toolkit: Key Considerations for Families, Webinar RecordingSlide Deck


Support Resources

Ready Together Website

Provides evidence-based, curated guidance documents with links to established research for educators to consider as they implement programs that meet the needs of their communities, determine the most effective uses of local relief funds and engage families and other stakeholders in supporting student learning and well-being.



Assessment Guidance and Tools

Thank you all for your work in helping students participate on the state assessment. These tests help everyone understand where our students are today, especially during these unprecedented times. State tests traditionally serve as a snapshot that helps schools and districts evaluate their instructional programs by providing information about student readiness in math, English language arts, and science. This year it is particularly important to consider other information (participation, enrollment, and  opportunities to learn) when interpreting state test scores. 

Considerations Test Score Interpretations

Toolkits and Resources to Support Interpretation and Use of State Test Scores 

Supporting Resources



Series Focus: Moving Learning Forward through a System of Assessment

In collaboration with the Oklahoma State Department of Education, TeleEDGE provides participants a real-time option to learn and share with fellow educators across the state around a problem of practice to address common challenges and find solutions. TeleEDGE allows particpants a real-time option to learn and share with fellow educators around a common problem of practice. Sessions are recorded and presentation material can be accessed after each session.

TeleEDGE ECHO Session Recording and Slide Decks


Oklahoma's Assessment System

Oklahoma recognizes that a robust assessment system is tied closely to students’ learning and teachers’ instructional practices by valuing and promoting local, classroom-based formative assessments that help make student learning visible. At the same time, that system should provide a strong summative assessment program that fits as a component within a multifaceted state, district and school accountability system. Oklahoma ESSA Plan (p 48)


The OSDE supports an assessment system by working with Oklahoma educators and stakeholders to:

  • Ensure that state and federally required annual summative assessments delivered through the Oklahoma School Testing Program (OSTP) are effective and meaningful to families, districts, educators, and members of the community
  • Develop Instructional resources to support local formative and interim assessments through the curriculum frameworks projects and assessment guidance toolkit
  • Build and deliver professional learning through face-to-face and web-based resources to support local assessment needs and interpretation of state assessment data

Assessment Literacy Tools and Resources

  • For Educators

  • NEW! Balanced Assessment Systems and Classroom Assessment for Teachers professional learning modules 

    These modules were devloped by the National Center for the Improvement of Educational Assessment and include a recording, connecting slides, ready to use materials and supporting readings and research. To access, go to Create an account and then add the content. Particpants will recieve a certificate for professional learning when complete. 

    • Balanced Assessment Systems for School Leaders; or

    • Classroom Assessments for Teachers.      

Assessment Literacy Resources


2017 Resources

Reminder - The 2016-17 testing marked a total reset and established a new baseline year. 


2016-17 Hitting the Reset Button: CCRA Toolkit Preview
By Superintendent Joy Hofmeister and Dr. Jeanene Barnett

This video provides an overview of the 2016-17 Reset


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      Last updated on September 12, 2024