Welcome to the Reading and Literacy pages of the SDE! Literacy – the ability to read, write, speak, and listen effectively – is the door to learning, both in school and in life. To experience literature, embrace history, engage in research, or understand the principles of the universe, we must first be literate.
Here you will find information for the Strong Readers Act as well as resources and information to support evidence-based literacy instruction for educators, parents, and students.
The Oklahoma State Department of Education's Comprehensive Literacy Plan, titled Literacy for All: Growing Strong Readers, One Page at a Time, unifies statewide efforts to enhance student reading by coordinating diverse programs towards a common goal. The Literacy Plan can be accessed here.
The Office of Literacy Policy and Programs is available to provide additional professional development to teachers in their local area, through either face-to-face or webinar technology.
Teachers with emergency certification for pre-kindergarten through third grade are required by the Oklahoma State Board of Education to complete additional professional learning in reading instruction. This can be fulfilled with the free early literacy on OSDE Connect. To complete the course, follow these steps:
Language Essentials for the Teachers of Reading and Spelling (LETRS) is a comprehensive, professional development that responds to the growing need for high-quality support for literacy educators. More than any other professional development curriculum, LETRS prepares educators for the challenging work of teaching literacy. Beyond the routines and lesson plans of adopted reading programs, it's important that educators understand the language structures they're teaching, how students learn to read and write, and the reasons that some children fail to learn. The Oklahoma State Department of Education has developed the Oklahoma Science of Reading Academies to provide this comprehensive training to Oklahoma educators at no cost. Spaces are limited and registration is open until slots are filled.
Find out more about the Oklahoma Science of Reading Academies and LETRS at legacy.sde.ok.gov/scienceofreading.
Recordings of past video conferences, webinars, and streaming events for Reading and Literacy.