Each Local Educational Agency (LEA) is required to locate and identify any student with disabilities within the LEA's geographic boundaries ages 3 through 21. An LEA must have a clear plan for identifying and initiating the process toward evaluation for special education services, regardless of whether the child is to enroll in the district and receive services. The LEA must have a primary point of contact with a clear outline of the process that an LEA uses to review existing data, obtain parent consent (if necessary), evaluate, and determine student's eligibility for special education services. This includes students residing in an LEA's geographic boundaries including private school, home-schooled, move-in, and/or parent/teacher request.
Oklahoma has a State law that requires the initial eligibility process last no more than 45 school days. Administration ensures all staff are aware of the LEA's referral process, protocol to report process, document all due dates, and conduct meetings prior to the 45 school day timeline for compliance.
Indicator 11
• Percent of children with parental consent to evaluate, who were evaluated, and eligibility was determined within 45 school days.
Indicator 11 Toolkit
**Toolkits must be completed in EdPlan**
District Dates to Remember:

• District Dates to Remember
• The Toolkit will be completed in EdPlan.
• Professional Development documentation will be uploaded to the LEA Document Library Compliance tab in EdPlan.

• Data Special Education Child Count Collection and End of Year Collection
• Indicators 11, 12, and 13
• Indicators 11, 12, and 13 Slide Deck
Professional Development
• Special Education Services - Professional Development - This is the Special Education Services Professional Development page, with links to Project 613, PD Requests, and other OSDE specific resources.
EdPlan Monitoring System
• EdPlan Uploading Instructions
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