Oklahoma offers SoonerStart, birth through 2 year old program for any child with a developmental delay or disability. The program ceases on the child's 3rd birthday. Maintaining a fluidity of necessary services ensures continued growth/consistency. Prior to the child's 3rd birthday, SoonerStart staff will discuss the transition/desire for special education services within the Local Educational Agency (LEA). SoonerStart staff contacts an LEA for any expected 2 year old students needing services at age 3. During a SoonerStart Transition Planning Conference (TPC) or at an LEA initial eligibility meeting, the team will discuss Review Existing Data (RED), acquire new testing information, and make a determination of eligibility and/or services necessary. The transition from SoonerStart to an LEA requires a RED, Parent Consent, Multidisciplinary Evaluation and Eligibility Group Summary (MEEGS), and an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) prior to the child's 3rd birthday. Any missed timelines will require a statement of the reason for the delay and future plans for improvement of the LEA in subsequent years.
Indicator 12
• Percent of eligible children transitioning from Part C program who had an IEP implemented by their third birthday.
Indicator 12 Toolkit
**Toolkits must be completed in EdPlan**
District Dates to Remember:

• District Dates to Remember
• The Toolkit will be completed in EdPlan.
• Professional Development documentation will be uploaded to the LEA Document Library Compliance tab in EdPlan.

• Data Special Education Child Count Collection and End of Year Collection
• Indicators 11, 12, and 13
• Indicators 11, 12, and 13 Slide Deck
Professional Development
• Special Education Services - Professional Development - This is the Special Education Services Professional Development page, with links to Project 613, PD Requests, and other OSDE specific resources.
EdPlan Monitoring System
• EdPlan Uploading Instructions
Additional Resources
• Early Childhood Environments Decision Tree
• Guidance for Enrolling 3-5 Year Olds
• SoonerStart to LEA tip sheet
• SoonerStart Program
• Early Childhood Transition: Part C to Part B - Slide Deck
• Early Childhood Transition: Best Practices
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